

The Faculty of Philosophy of the Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow is part of the centuries-long experience of educational and research activities of Jesuit universities. It is a continuation of the Congregation for Seminars and Universities, approved by the Congregation for Seminars and Universities in 1932, of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Society of Jesus in Cracow.

Faculty structure

The Faculty of Philosophy consists of three scientific and didactic institutes: the Insti-tute of Philosophy, the Institute of Cultural Studies and the Institute of Psychology and two scientific and research institutions: Institute of Historical Research and Tadeusz Ślipko Centre of Christian Ethics SJ.

Teaching offer

The Faculty conducts studies in the following subjects: philosophy (I, II and III degree), cultural studies (I, II and III degree), journalism and social communication (I degree), psychology (uniform master's studies) and tourism and recreation (I degree). It also offers post-graduate studies within the scope of its powers.

Scientific journals

Philosophicum Forum. International Journal for Philosophy (Institute of Philosophy). Forum Philosophicum is an international peer-reviewed scholarly journal devoted to a wide range of questions relating to Christian philosophy. We look for fresh and insight-ful approaches to the problems with which Christian thought has struggled throughout the centuries and which it faces today. We publish papers that adopt a philosophical stance while respecting the authority of Christian Revelation. We also welcome critical approaches towards the interaction of philosophy with faith.

Ignatianum Philosophical Yearbook (Institute of Philosophy). The Yearbook deals with the issues which are the subject of scientific activity of the Faculty of Philosophy. It has been published since 1988 (Volume I was published in 1989) and, currently, is pub-lished by the Institute of Philosophy. The Ignatianum Yearbook of Philosophy (2012-) is a continuation of the Yearbook of the Faculty of Philosophy, which in various peri-ods of the School's development was called: the Yearbook of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Society of Jesus (1988-1999) and the Yearbook of the Faculty of Philosophy of the "Ignatianum" Higher School of Philosophy and Pedagogy in Krakow (2000-2011), maintaining, however, the continuity inherent in the Faculty of Philosophy and then Ignatianum.

Perspectives on Culture (Institute of Cultural Studies). Perspektywy Kultury, a scientific journal of the Institute of Cultural Studies of Ignatianum, published since 2009. It is devoted to the research, methodological and didactic problems of cultural studies.

Publishing series

Humanitas. Cultural Studies. The publications of this series are prepared by the researchers of the Institute of Cultural Studies and are addressed to the reader interested in reflecting on culture in terms of its sources, nature and changes taking place over the centuries and today. The aim of the Series is both to introduce the individual fields of cultural studies and to present the latest research in this field.

Universum Philosophiae. The aim of the series is to show a complex panorama of philosophical trends and is-sues from antiquity to modernity. Universum Philosophiae was established in order to present the latest research results of the employees of the Institute of Philosophy of Ignatianum in this field. The series is addressed to all readers interested in broadly understood philosophical issues and its connections with various specific sciences.

Universum Ethicae Christianae. The aim of the series is to promote works concerning broadly understood issues of Christian ethics. It was created on the initiative of the Tadeusz Ślipko SJ Centre for Christian Ethics, established in May 2016, whose statutory tasks include conducting research on contemporary models of Christian ethics, as well as their philosophical assumptions and implications.

Environmental activities

The department is coordinating the work: Centre for Culture and Dialogue, University of the Third Age and Ignatianum Youth Academy.

Kierunek „Dziennikarstwo i komunikacja społeczna”

ścieżki kształcenia:

Dziennikarstwo radiowe

Dziennikarstwo telewizyjne

Dziennikarstwo internetowe

Dziennikarstwo prasowe


Kierunek „Filozofia”

ścieżki kształcenia:

Filozofia klasyczna i współczesna

Etyka i Coaching


Edukacja etyczna

Kierunek „Kulturoznawstwo”

ścieżki kształcenia:

Cyberkultura i media,

Sztuki wizualne i teatr,

Zarządzanie instytucjami kultury.

Kierunek „Turystyka i rekreacja”

ścieżki kształcenia:

Turystyka regionalna,

Turystyka biznesowa i kwalifikowana.

Kierunek „Psychologia”

Instytut Psychologii na kierunku "Psychologia" oferuje jednolite studia magisterskie.

ścieżki kształcenia:

Wspomaganie rozwoju

Psychologia kliniczna


Psychologia zarządzania