Strona główna Uczelnia Uniwersytet Struktura Administracja Biuro Promocji International Conference “Word in Education” 11th Edition

International Conference “Word in Education” 11th Edition

International Conference “Word in Education”

11th Edition



26-28 September 2024






Thursday, 26th of September

Place: Institute Servantes, Kanonicza 4

09.00-09.30 - Registration of participants

09.30-09.45 - Opening of the conference

09.45-10.30 - KEYNOTE I:

Petruschka Schaafsma, Protestant Theological University, The Netherlands:

The Risky Family: Exploring the weakest link in the family, school and local community triangle

10.30-11.15 KEYNOTE II:

Carmen Fenández de la Cigoña, the CEU of Madrid:

Linguistic ability and school failure: Between school and family"

11.15-12.00 KEYNOTE III:

Maria Mendel, University of Gdansk, Poland:

Parental public pedagogies


12.00-12.30 – COFFEE BREAK


12.30-13.30 – SECTION I: The image of the modern family, school and community against the background of cultural and social changes

Antonia Rubini, Crescenza Mazzaraco, University of Bari “Aldo Moro”, Italy:

The sharenting phenomenon. Reflections and new interpretations of classic theoretical principles

Ana Carolina Galiano Moyano, Universidad Católica San Pablo, Perú:

The word as a pedagogical sign: education through fairy tales


13.30-15.00 LUNCH BREAK

Place: Ignatianum University in Cracow, Kopernika 26, auditorium 105 (1st floor)



Place: Ignatianum University in Cracow, Kopernika 26



SECTION II: the image of the modern family, school and community against the background of cultural and social changes

Place: auditorium 417 (4th floor)


Elena Zanfroni, Silvia Maggiolini, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy:

A special choice? Families, adoption, and foster care of children with disabilities among critical issues, resources, and pedagogical perspectives

Jacek Surzyn, University Ignatianum in Cracow, Poland:

The IB Diploma Programme as a Model of Future Education

Ewa Kantowicz, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland:

The contemporary family as a subject of theoretical reflection and social support

Marilé Pretel Jiménez (USP CEU), Carmen Ruiz-Viñals (UAO CEU), José Luis del Olmo Arriaga (UAO CEU), Spain:

The Engagement of Literary Influencers on Instagram: Bookstagrammers' Strategies for Promoting Reading in the Family Context

Silvia Maggiolini, Elena Zanfroni, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy:

Family and adult disability: rethinking the future, designing the present


16.40-17.00 COFFEE BREAK (auditorium 105 – 1st floor)



SECTION II: the image of the modern family, school and community against the background of cultural and social changes

Place: auditorium 417 (4th floor)


Anna Królikowska, University Ignatianum in Cracow, Poland:

Preparing teachers to cooperate with parents

Cintia Csók, János Szecskó, Gabriella Pusztai, University of Debrecen, Hungary:

School support professionals from the perspective of parents: results of an international quantitative survey

Mateusz R. Micał, University Ignatianum in Cracow, Poland:

A new viewpoint on parental involvement / parental engagement category – the child's perspective. Research report



SECTION III: models of cooperation between family, school and local environment

Place: auditorium 420 (4th floor)


Grzegorz Godawa, Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, Poland:

Interpersonal closeness as a category unifying educational environments

Anna Błasiak, Ewa Dybowska, Ignatianum University in Cracow, Poland:

Using service-learning to build multi-stakeholder school-family-community partnerships

Józefa Matejek, University of the National Education Commission, Krakow, Poland:

Family support through the foster care system against the background of contemporary social changes

Monika Gromadzka, University of Warsaw, Poland:

Cooperation Between Mothers and Schools: The Perspective of Ukrainian Refugee Women

Alicja Zbierzchowska, University of Gdańsk, Poland:

Involved fatherhood as a new model of fatherhood implementation by contemporary men


16.40-17.00 COFFEE BREAK (auditorium 105 – 1st floor)



SECTION III: models of cooperation between family, school and local environment

Place: auditorium 420 (4th floor)


Priscila Benitez, Universidad Federal del ABC, São Paulo, Brasil y Universitat de Barcelona, Spain, Giovanna Brito Lins, Universidad Federal de ABC, São Paulo, Brasil, Marta Gràcia, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain, Camila Domeniconi, Universidad Federal de São Carlos, São Paulo, Brasil, Kate O. Kumada, Universidad Federal de ABC, São Paulo, Brasil, Erika Suzuki Bueno, Escuela Estatal Inah de Mello, São Paulo, Brasil:

Decision support system for self-evaluation of communication strategies of Brazilian secondary school teachers. The image of the modern family, school and community in the context of cultural and social changes.

Maria Szymańska, Ignatianum University in Cracow, Poland:

Spirituality as a key factor integrating the human entity in the concepts of Stephan Kunowski’s and Parker J. Palmer’s personalistic -pedagogical perspective

Huang Shuqi, Jagiellonian Academy in Torun, Poland:

The influence of Confucius’s thought in modern Chinese education

Kacper Kowalski, University of Gdańsk, Polish Association for Persons with Intellectual Disability Gdańsk, Poland:

School in The Circles of Support as a model of cooperation between school, family and local community

Adam Machowski, Jagiellonian Academy in Torun, Poland:

Social communication as a necessary condition for community building. Hints from Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas for modern education






Place: Institute Servantes, Kanonicza 4

09.30-10.30 – KEYNOTE I:

Hearin Park, University of Saint Joseph, USA:

The Power of Community of Practice to Enhance Inclusive School Cultures

10.30-11.30 – KEYNOTE II:

Gabriella Pusztai, University of Debrecen, Hungary:

Parent-school cooperation as a hidden factor of institutional contribution to academic achievement


11.30-12.00 – COFFEE BREAK


12.00-13.30 – SECTION IV: resilience family, school and society

Gloria Gallego Jiménez, Universidad San Pablo, CEU Universities de Madrid, Miguel Ángel Barbero, Universitat Abat Oliba, CEU Universities de Barcelona, Spain:

Resilient biographies as a source of metaphors for connecting society, family and school

Sergio Gómez Moyano, Universitat Abat Oliba CEU, Barcelona, Spain:

Teaching to think with great stories: a classroom experience

Inmaculada Mena-Berna, Cardenal Spínola CEU (Universidad de Sevilla), Beatriz Hoster, Universidad Fernando III CEU, Spain:

Motivation as a relevant factor in the development of reading comprehension in the classroom - the role of families

Cándida Filgueira Arias, María del Carmen Escribano Ródenas, Franciele Corti, Universidad San Pablo CEU; Universitat Abat Oliba CEU, Spain:

Resilience Education through Service-Learning Methodology




Place: Ignatianum University in Cracow, Kopernika 26, auditorium 404 (4th floor)



Place: Ignatianum University in Cracow, Kopernika 26



SECTION V: multiculturalism and integration - the role of basic educational environments

Place: auditorium 417 (4th floor)


Anna Błaszczak, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland:

Integration of students with migration experience – analysis of good practices

Rafael Jiménez Cataño, Universidad de la Santa Cruz, Roma, Italy:

Benefits of politeness profile awareness in integration

Silvia Vertanová, Universidad Comenius de Bratislava, Slovakia:

Rhetorical competence and inclusion in the face of the challenges of modern society

Julia Węglarska, University of Warsaw, Poland:

Multiculturalism and Polish Patriotic Education: Problems with History in Teaching Polish to Foreigners

Isabel Muñoz-San Roque, María Martín López, Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid, Spain:

Let’Care "Building Safe and Caring Schools to Foster Educational Inclusion and School Achievement”


16.40-17.00 – COFFEE BREAK (auditorium 404 – 4th floor)



SECTION V: multiculturalism and integration - the role of basic educational environments

Place: auditorium 417 (4th floor)


Gabriella Pusztai, Zsuzsanna Demeter-Karászi, Enikő Major, Marcell Puskás, University of Debrecen, Hungary:

Can School Providers Learn from Each Other? Examining the Teacher’s Perspective in a Disadvantaged Area

Stanislava Moysova, Comenius University Bratislava, Slovakia:

Promoting inclusive language in academic settings: theory and practice

Anna Mróz, Natalia Twardosz, University of the National Education Commission, Krakow, Poland:

Critical thinking as an Educational Aim in the Information Society



SECTION VI: meaningful pedagogy for engaged citizens of the world

Auditorium: 422 (4th floor)


Gema Blanco Montañez, María José Ramos Estévez, Centro de Estudios Universitarios Cardenal Spínola- CEU, Spain:

Análisis de la percepción del futuro docente sobre la Educación para la ciudadanía intercultural (Analysis of the future teacher's perception of Intercultural Citizenship Education)

Marta Wiatr, Maria Grzegorzewska University, Poland:

Users, Clients, and Partners: The Multifaceted Nature of Citizenship in the Parent-School Relationship

Joanna Nowicka, Angelus Silesius Academy of Applied Sciences in Wałbrzych, Poland:

Education for responsibility and citizenship in university education

Jorge Martínez-Lucena, Uniwersytet Abat Oliba CEU, Spain:

Euphoria: friendship in the absence of family

Iwona Kłoska, Dagmara Mika, Non-Formal Education Foundation from Bielsko-Biała, Poland:

Educational environment’s role in the modern world – a model of non-formal education in a multicultural environment

Julia Anusiak, Maria Bartkowiak, Wojciech Stangierski, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland:

Analysis and Comparison of Management Structures in Youth Climate Strikes


16.40-17.00 – COFFEE BREAK (auditorium 404 – 4th floor)


17.00-17.40 – SECTION VI: meaningful pedagogy for engaged citizens of the world, Auditorium: 422 (4th floor)

Marcin Kazmierczak, Universitat Abat Oliba CEU, CEU Universities, Spain:

Educating for Responsibility and Resilience through Narrations. The Motive of the “Commitment to Others” in the Children’s Literature

Andrea de Carlos Buján, María Teresa Signes Signes, Universitat Abat Oliba, CEU Universities de Barcelona, Spain:

Sense of humor: a tool to foster educational alliances


18.00 DINNER (auditorium 404 – 4th floor)







Place: Ignatianum University in Cracow, Kopernika 26, auditorium 420 (4th floor)


09.00-09.45 – KEYNOTE I:

Rafael Rodríguez Ponga, Universitat Abat Oliba CEU, CEU Universities, Spain:

Linguistic ability and school failure: between school and family

09.45-10.30 – KEYNOTE II:

Tamara Cierpiałowska, Ignatianum University in Cracow, Poland:

Educating for Transgression. Narratives of "barrier-free people" about the family and school determinants of transgressing one's limitations